0=Welcome to jv16 PowerTools!<BR>This is the main window and from here you can access all the main tools. You can find out more of each tool by moving your mouse above the tool's button on the left.
1=Registry tool contains all the necessary tools to clean your registry from obsolete and invalid entries.
2=File tool contains many useful features to manage your files remove unneeded files, such as duplicates and temp files. You can also move files, rename, wipe, change attributes, find and replace data inside files and combine files together.
3=Temp file tool allows you to take control of you temp directories and their space usage.
4=Network tool allows you to control all the computers in your network.
5=Backup tool allows you to view, edit, remove and restore your backups.
6=You can use this advanced tool to control the use of this program.
7=You can use this feature to customize jv16 PowerTools for your needs.
8=Internet update feature can check whether you have the latest version of this program or not. You can also read the latest news from the program's homepage (www.jv16.org).
9=This program support multiple custom user accounts. If you have created such account you can log in as another user by clicking here.
10=You can close the program from here.
[Regtool Descriptions]
1=Software registered to the Registry. You should delete every program's entries you know you've had, but don't have anymore. You should only remove items you know are safe to remove.
2=These programs are run every time you start your computer. Try to keep this list as short as possible.
3=Software in Windows Uninstall Menu. You can uninstall them or just remove them from this list.
4=File Types registered to the Registry. You can remove all file types you know you don't need.
5=Ability to create new files with right-click. You can delete all the entries you don't need.
6=Shell Extensions of different kinds of file types. You can delete all of the shell extensions that you don't need.
7=Windows suggest these programs if you try to open a file of unknown filetype.
8=These items are the available Search features, you can remove all the features you don't need.
9=These entries are found to be useless and they should be safe to remove. Please note that items marked with a red icon are ignored entries. Do not remove them unless you know that they are safe to remove.
10=These features are shown in the right click menu of the Internet Explorer. You can remove all the features you don't need.
1=A //As in "Archive"
2=H //As in "Hidden"
3=R //As in "Read-Only"
4=S //As in "System"
[File Size Controllers]
1=At least
2=At most
3=Equal to
2=Search word
4=Including the subdirectories
6=All remote computers
7=All local hard drives
[FileTool More Functions]
0=More Functions...
4=Mass rename...
5=Change Attributes...
6=Find and replace...
8=Move to recycle bin
12=Remove from list
[FileTool Search Options]
0=Search Options
1=Find only files with a specific size...
2=Find only duplicate files
3=Find only broken shortcuts
4=Find only temp files
[FileTool Retrieve info]
0=Retrieve information
3=File date...
7=Executable info...
11=Binary type
12=MP3 Info...
19=Image Info...
20=Dimensions //Do not translate as "size" because there already is a word "size" and translating two items the same way in this section causes troubles.
21=Colour depth
[FileTool Misc]
1={1} - {2} duplicates
2=Smart selection
3=Based on last accessed date
4=Based on last modified date
5=Create Backups
[FileTool DropDown]
1=All hard disks
2=System temp dir
3=System dir
[File Properties]
0=File Properties
3=Serial number:
4=File system:
10=Last accessed:
11=Last modified:
[Temp File Tool]
1=Add a new item
2=Modify an existing item
4=Files to delete
5=Remove method
6=Only old files
7=Remove empty directories
8=Don't delete files that have been used in last
10=Execute all
12=Delete everything
13=Execute all when computer starts
[Temp File Tool Columns]
4=Ignore if used in
5=Remove empty dirs
6=Delete everything
7=Remove method
[Ticked Options]
3=┌╧π ╩π▀φΣ
4=█φ╤ π┌╧
[Remove methods]
3=Move to recycle bin
[Error Messages]
1=Error! Directory does not exist.
2=This feature is only for Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems.
3=This feature is only for Win9x operating systems.
4=Due some problems with your registry this procedure can't be done.
5=Access denied.
6=You can't remove built-in user accounts.
7=You can't rename many backups at the same time.
8=This feature is disabled because your current License doesn't allow you to use this feature.
9=Error! File does not exist.
10=Error! "{1}" is not a valid registry root hive.
11=Error! Nothing selected.
12=Login failed. Please, re-type your password and try again.
13=Connection failed!
14=Invalid user name.
15=Error! User "{1}" already exists
16=Error! Passwords are not identical, please re-type them.
17=Error! The password is too short, the minimum is 5 characters.
18=You can't modify this user account because it is currently being used.
19=Connection to "{1}" failed!
20=Directory "{1}" does not exist.
21=You can only combine local backups.
22=Error! No computers selected.
23=Error! This language file is not for this version.
24=Error! File "{1}" does not exist.
25=You can't disable this user account because it is currently being used.
26=Unknown error. Code: {1}.
27=Error in line {1}.
28=Error in file "{1}" in line {2}.
29=Error! "{1}" does not exist.
30=You haven't selected any files to perform this procedure to.
31=Internal error. Code: {1}.
32=Invalid password!
33=Error! This file is not encrypted or it has been damaged, you cannot decrypt this file!
34=Error! This computer failed to get server status because computer "{1}" is already working as the server.
35=Access Denied! This function is only for the administrator.
36=Error! A section of IP mask cannot contain both ? and * operators. For example "10.12?.0.*" is allowed but "10.1*?.0.0" is not.
37=Error! "{1}" is not a valid IP address.
38=The file "{1}" has been corrupted, jv16 PowerTools will no longer accept it.
39=The file "{1}" is for another version of this program, it might not work in this version.
40=No unused DLL files found.
41=Error! Failed to create directory "{1}".
42=Error! Failed to create file "{1}".
43=You are violating the license agreement section 4.1. Close any registry monitoring software (Eg. Regmon) and try again. Many license violations will lead to the termination of your legal right to run jv16 PowerTools.
44=The string "{1}" contains an invalid character, please re-type.
45=The string "{1}" contains an invalid character ("{2}"), please re-type.
46="{1}" is not a valid number.
47=Please enter at least one search word.
1=You have selected to remove every item in this section, are you absolutely sure you want to proceed?
2=Removing "{1}" can be dangerous, are you absolutely sure you want to proceed?
3=Please restart your computer.
4=This feature will reset windows hardware configuration, this means that you must re-install all drivers after a reboot. Are you really sure you know what you are doing?
5=You are about to remove an item that most likely is not safe to remove. Are you absolutely sure you know what you are doing?
6=If you terminate the network resident application you will not be able to control the remote computer with jv16 PowerTools any longer. Are you really sure you want to do that?
7=Are you really sure you want to remove this backup?
8=Are you really sure you want to remove these backups?
9=This translation contains errors. Are you sure you want to use it?
10=You are about to remove files and the automatic backup procedure is currently turned off, do you want to proceed?
11=You are about to remove all files (ie. not just temp files) from "{1}". Are you absolutely sure you know what you are doing?
12=You are about to remove all files (ie. not just temp files) and all sub-directories from "{1}". Are you absolutely sure you know what you are doing?
13=You are about to do something which looks very dangerous, are you absolutely sure you know what you are doing?
14=Running the registry cleaner in automatic mode means that it will automatically remove all entries it thinks are safe to remove. This is NOT recommended, you should always check the found entries yourself, are you sure you want to continue?
15=Running the registry cleaner without taking any backups is generally not a good idea, are you absolutely sure you know what you are doing?
16=This feature doesn't automatically create backups of the files it removes. Do you wish to continue?
17=This feature doesn't automatically create backups of the registry entries it removes. Do you wish to continue?
[Backup types]
1=Registry Entry
2=Uninstall menu item
3=Startup list item
4=File type
5=New file list item
6=Shell Extension
8=Zero-length file
9=Search Menu Item
10=Temp file
11=Open With menu item
12=Custom Backup
13=Entries removed with Registry Cleaner
14=Multiple types
15=Broken Shortcut file
16=Many registry entries
17=Many files
[Restore Backup]
1={1} backup restored. //one
2={1} backups restored. //many
[Custom Backup]
1=Registry Entry
2=Save As
3=Save as .reg file
4=Save as jv16 PowerTools backup file
6=Backup's name
7=Registry (.reg) file
0=Log in
4=More advanced
7=Network security
10=Tools Menus
[Main Options]
1=User Interface
2=Flat scroll bars
3=Grid lines
4=Grid lines in Advanced View
5=Start as
6=Normal window
7=Tray Icon
8=Console Pre-Filter
10=First letter upper case
11=Capitalize All Words
12=eLiTe STyLe
[Advanced Options]
1=Column policy
2=Size automatically (Method 1)
3=Size automatically (Method 2)
4=Size manually
5=Default file viewer
6=Default date format
7=Font: {1}
8=Change font...
[Advanced Options 2]
1=More Advanced Options
2=Save windows' positions
3=Minimize to tray
4=Register .jvb as a jv16 PowerTools batch file
7=Save user defined sort styles
8=Disable splash screen
9=Automatically show the main window
10=But not if started with command line
11=Full row select
12=Colour blind mode
13=Double buffered windows
14=Conservative error message policy
16=No confirmations in the Backup Tool
17=No confirmations in the File Tool
[Shell integration options]
0=Shell integration options
1=Register .jvb file extension
2=Allow the recycle bin to be wiped with a right click
3=Allow any files to be wiped with a right click
4=Allow any directories to be wiped with a right click
x=Shell integration
[Maintenance Options]
1=Flush logs
2=Flush temp
3=Flush age data
4=Flush comments data
5=Optimize cache
6=Uninstall jv16 PowerTools
[ToolsMenus Options]
2=Show in tools
4=Registry tool //Long names for the tools
5=File tool
6=Temp file tool
7=Network tool
8=Backup tool
9=RegTool //Short names for the tools
[Shortcut and Language Options]
3=Press the key combination now.
[More Info]
0=More Info
1=Save as...
2=Show entries
3=Copy to clipboard
[Access Control]
0=Access Control
1=User name
4=Add User
5=Remove User
6=Account management
7=Enable Account
8=Disable Account
9=Modify Account
[Add User]
0=Add User
1=User info
4=Re-type password
5=User rights
7=Access Codes
8=Access Code
[User Access]
1=No Access
2=Read Only
3=Full Access
//Do not change the numbers!
[Access Codes]
101=Registry Tool
102=Registry Tool>Software
103=Registry Tool>Starting programs
104=Registry Tool>Uninstall menu
105=Registry Tool>File types
106=Registry Tool>New File
107=Registry Tool>Shell Extension
108=Registry Tool>Open With menu
109=Registry Tool>Search menu
201=More Info
202=More Info>Show Entries
203=More Info>Save list
301=File Tool
302=File Tool>More functions
401=Temp File Tool
402=Temp File Tool>Execute
601=Backup Tool
602=Backup Tool>Combine
603=Backup Tool>Rename
604=Backup Tool>Restore
605=Backup Tool>Remove
606=Backup Tool>Create Custom Backup
701=Registry Cleaner
702=Registry Cleaner>Abort
703=Registry Cleaner>Pause
901=Command "Run"
902=Command "XRun"
903=Command "Help"
904=Command "Click"
905=Command "Clear"
906=Command "View"
907=Command "Kill"
908=Command "Define Alias"
1002=Reset hardware configuration
1003=Registry Fixer
1004=Run batch
1006=Access Control
1007=Internet update
1008=Ability to Log off from jv16 PT
1009=Save lists to file
1010=Ability to use the search feature
[Shell Extension]
0=jv16 PowerTools batch file
3=Empty by wiping //Recycle bin
4=Delete with wiping //Directories
5=Wipe //Files
0=Advanced Password System
1=Give the password using symbols
2=Give the password using pictures
3=Use a disk or a cd-rom as a password
4=Use a file as a password
5=Save the password to a file
6=Copy the password to the clipboard
[About Window]
3=Author's thanks
4=Technical details
6=License Agreement
[Status Panel]
1=Creating List...
2=Loading Age data...
3=Loading Comments...
4=Getting data from the remote computer...
5=Removing Entries...
[Command Processor Error messages]
1=Invalid command. Type CmdList to see the list of commands.
2=Syntax Error. Use Man or Syntax commands to see the command's syntax.
3=Access Denied.
4=Error while executing the command.
5=Internal Error, You should never see this. Error Code:
2=Latest versions
3=Latest news
4=Remote computers
5=Proxy settings
6=Program versions:
7=News from www.jv16.org:
8=Version check of all the computers in your network:
9=You are currently using version: {1}
10=The latest version is: {1}
13=The version you are using is rather new so you can install the new version on the top of the old one.
14=The version you are using is rather old so you must uninstall the old version before installing the new version.